Photic Zone: CTD and other low data rate sensors

If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber’d here
While these visions did appear.

The ‘photic zone’ is the upper layer of the ocean regularly illuminated by sunlight. This set of photic zone notebooks concerns sensor data from the surface to about 200 meters depth. Data are acquired from two to nine times per day by shallow profilers. This notebook covers CTD (salinity and temperature), dissolved oxygen, nitrate, pH, spectral irradiance, fluorometry and photosynthetically available radiation (PAR).

Data are first taken from the Regional Cabled Array shallow profilers and platforms. A word of explanation here: The profilers rise and then fall over the course of about 80 minutes, nine times per day, from a depth of 200 meters to within about 10 meters of the surface. As the ascend and descend they record data. The resting location in between these excursions is a platform 200 meters below the surface that is anchored to the see floor. The platform also carries sensors that measure basic ocean water properties.

ship and iceberg photo

Research ship Revelle in the southern ocean: 100 meters in length. Note: Ninety percent of this iceberg is beneath the surface.

More on the Regional Cabled Array oceanography program here.

Study site locations

We begin with three sites in the northeast Pacific:

Site name               Lat               Lon
------------------      ---               ---
Oregon Offshore         44.37415          -124.95648
Oregon Slope Base       44.52897          -125.38966 
Axial Base              45.83049          -129.75326
import os, sys, time, glob, warnings
from pathlib import Path
from IPython.display import clear_output             # use inside loop with clear_output(wait = True) followed by print(i)
data_dir = Path('../_static/data')

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors as mplcolors
import numpy as np, pandas as pd, xarray as xr
from numpy import datetime64 as dt64, timedelta64 as td64

# convenience functions abbreviating 'datetime64' and so on
def doy(theDatetime): return 1 + int((theDatetime - dt64(str(theDatetime)[0:4] + '-01-01')) / td64(1, 'D'))
def dt64_from_doy(year, doy): return dt64(str(year) + '-01-01') + td64(doy-1, 'D')
def day_of_month_to_string(d): return str(d) if d > 9 else '0' + str(d)

print('\nJupyter Notebook running Python {}'.format(sys.version_info[0]))
Jupyter Notebook running Python 3

CTD including Dissolved Oxygen

osb_ctd_nc_file = data_dir / "rca/ctd/"
ds_CTD = xr.open_dataset(osb_ctd_nc_file)
Dimensions:                     (time: 44640)
  * time                        (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-01-01 ... 2019-01-...
Data variables:
    seawater_temperature        (time) float64 8.031 8.024 8.019 ... 8.191 8.192
    seawater_pressure           (time) float64 191.2 191.2 191.2 ... 194.5 194.5
    practical_salinity          (time) float64 33.91 33.92 33.92 ... 33.85 33.85
    corrected_dissolved_oxygen  (time) float64 128.9 128.5 128.1 ... 134.4 134.0
    density                     (time) float64 1.027e+03 1.027e+03 ... 1.027e+03
    node:                SF01A
    id:                  RS01SBPS-SF01A-2A-CTDPFA102-streamed-ctdpf_sbe43_sample
    geospatial_lat_min:  44.52897
    geospatial_lon_min:  -125.38966
time0 = dt64('2019-01-01')
time1 = dt64('2019-01-02')
ds_CTD_time_slice = ds_CTD.sel(time=slice(time0, time1))    # one day
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,4), tight_layout=True)
axs.plot(ds_CTD_time_slice.time, ds_CTD_time_slice.seawater_pressure, \
            marker='.', markersize=9., color='k', markerfacecolor='r')
axs.set(ylim = (200., 0.), title='nine profiles: pressure over 24 hours (profiles)')
../_images/Ocean 01 A Photic Zone CTD_4_1.png
# this is one approach to time bounding: Grab n days out of a longer dataset (n = 3 for example)
# contrasting idea: See the nitrate section where profiles are staggered
day_of_month_start = '25'
day_of_month_end = '27'
time0 = dt64('2019-01-' + day_of_month_start)
time1 = dt64('2019-01-' + day_of_month_end)

temperature_upper_bound = 12.
temperature_lower_bound = 7.
salinity_upper_bound = 35.
salinity_lower_bound = 32.
dissolved_oxygen_upper_bound = 300
dissolved_oxygen_lower_bound = 100

ds_CTD_time_slice = ds_CTD.sel(time=slice(time0, time1))

fig, axs = plt.subplots(3,1,figsize=(12,14), tight_layout=True)
axs[0].scatter(ds_CTD_time_slice.seawater_temperature, ds_CTD_time_slice.seawater_pressure, marker='^', s = 1., color='k')
axs[0].set(xlim = (temperature_lower_bound, temperature_upper_bound), \
        ylim = (200., 0.), title='several profiles: seawater temperature')
axs[1].scatter(ds_CTD_time_slice.practical_salinity, \
            ds_CTD_time_slice.seawater_pressure, marker='^', s = 1., color='r')
axs[1].set(xlim = (salinity_lower_bound, salinity_upper_bound), \
        ylim = (200., 0.), title='several profiles: salinity')
axs[2].scatter(ds_CTD_time_slice.corrected_dissolved_oxygen, \
            ds_CTD_time_slice.seawater_pressure, marker='^', s = 1., color='b')
axs[2].set(xlim = (dissolved_oxygen_lower_bound, dissolved_oxygen_upper_bound), \
        ylim = (200., 0.), title='several profiles: dissolved oxygen')
../_images/Ocean 01 A Photic Zone CTD_5_1.png


This seems to be only 2600 observations from June 23 to September 27, 2019. These data are otherwise dubious as well. No charting attempted.

# pCO2_source = '/data/rca/pCO2/'
# pCO2_data = 'depl*PCO2*.nc'
# ds_pCO2 = xr.open_mfdataset(pCO2_source + pCO2_data)   # example of multi-file
# ds_pCO2
# print('pCO2 time range: ' + str(ds_pCO2.time[0].values) + ' to ' + str(ds_pCO2.time[-1].values))
# produces:
# pCO2 time range: 2019-06-23T06:35:03.680657408 to 2019-09-27T17:35:22.647006208


This dataset for January 2019 includes 30 days of 31; but also falls over on Jan 16 and 17. There is some corresponding hard-coding. There are two profiles per day – on at midnight, one at noon – and these are charted all at once using a shift-per-day approach.

nitrate_source = data_dir / 'rca/nitrate'
nitrate_data_midnight = ''
nitrate_data_noon     = ''

ds_nitrate_midn = xr.load_dataset(nitrate_source / nitrate_data_midnight)
ds_nitrate_noon = xr.load_dataset(nitrate_source / nitrate_data_noon)

Dimensions:                (int_ctd_pressure_bins: 800, doy: 30)
  * int_ctd_pressure_bins  (int_ctd_pressure_bins) float64 0.125 0.375 ... 199.9
  * doy                    (doy) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Data variables:
    nitrate_concentration  (int_ctd_pressure_bins, doy) float32 nan nan ... nan
# to do: auto-detect the data fails on doy 16, 17, 31 rather than hardcode exceptions
#     try: f = ds_nitrate_noon.nitrate_concentration.sel(doy=16)
#     except: print('16 bad')
# to do: print day of month adjacent to profile; verify noon - midn colors match for corresp doy 

nProfiles = 30
profile_shift = 7
colorwheel = ['k', 'r', 'y', 'g', 'c', 'b', 'm']
cwmod = len(colorwheel)
nitrate_upper_bound = 50 + (nProfiles - 1)*profile_shift
nitrate_lower_bound = 5
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(12,12), tight_layout=True)
for da_i in ds_nitrate_midn.doy:                # da_ means it is a data array
    i = int(da_i)                               # taking int(da) gives day of month as integer
    if not (i == 16 or i == 17 or i == 31):     # these three days fail to chart (harcoded; see to do)
        axs[0].scatter(ds_nitrate_noon.nitrate_concentration.sel(doy=i) + i*profile_shift, \
            ds_nitrate_noon.int_ctd_pressure_bins,  marker='.', s=3., color=colorwheel[i%cwmod]) 
        axs[0].set(xlim = (nitrate_lower_bound, nitrate_upper_bound), \
            ylim = (200., 0.), title='nitrate concentration: noon profile')
    axs[1].scatter(ds_nitrate_midn.nitrate_concentration.sel(doy=i)+i*profile_shift, \
        ds_nitrate_midn.int_ctd_pressure_bins,  marker='.', s=3., color=colorwheel[i%cwmod]) 
    axs[1].set(xlim = (nitrate_lower_bound, nitrate_upper_bound), \
        ylim = (200., 0.), title='nitrate concentration: midnight profile')
../_images/Ocean 01 A Photic Zone CTD_11_1.png


As with nitrate above: pH is measured during two profiles each day (of nine possible).

pH_source = data_dir / 'rca/pH'
pH_data = ''
ds_pH = xr.open_dataset(pH_source / pH_data)

# This generates a pressure/time curtain plot; good in that it shows data dropouts
#   ...but better is to color it by pH, see to do
# ds_pH.int_ctd_pressure.plot()       
# sanity check: Is this profile data as we expect?
Dimensions:           (time: 7711)
  * time              (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-01-01T02:13:06.062041088 ......
    int_ctd_pressure  (time) float64 191.9 192.0 191.8 ... 191.4 192.9 195.0
Data variables:
    ph_seawater       (time) float64 7.792 7.785 7.778 ... 7.722 7.755 7.728
    node:                SF01A
    id:                  RS01SBPS-SF01A-2D-PHSENA101-streamed-phsen_data_record
    geospatial_lat_min:  44.52897
    geospatial_lon_min:  -125.38966
pH_temporary_time_start = '2019-01-21'
pH_temporary_time_end   = '2019-01-23'

ds_pH_temporary = ds_pH.sel(time=slice(dt64(pH_temporary_time_start), dt64(pH_temporary_time_end)))
ds_CTD_temporary = ds_CTD.sel(time=slice(dt64(pH_temporary_time_start), dt64(pH_temporary_time_end)))

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,4), tight_layout=True)
axs.scatter(ds_CTD_temporary.time, ds_CTD_temporary.seawater_pressure, marker='.', s = 2., color='k')
axs.scatter(ds_pH_temporary.time, ds_pH_temporary.int_ctd_pressure, marker='^', s = 64., color='r')
axs.set(ylim = (200., 0.), title='Relationship: Profiler depth to pH sampling strategy')
../_images/Ocean 01 A Photic Zone CTD_14_1.png
pH_lower_bound = 7.6
pH_upper_bound = 8.2
ds_pH_time_slice = ds_pH.sel(time=slice(time0, time1))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,4), tight_layout=True)
axs.scatter(ds_pH_time_slice.ph_seawater, \
            ds_pH_time_slice.int_ctd_pressure, \
            marker='^', s = 4., color='r')
axs.set(xlim = (pH_lower_bound, pH_upper_bound), \
        ylim = (200., 0.), title='pH: profiles plus one-shots at end of each profile')
../_images/Ocean 01 A Photic Zone CTD_15_1.png


  • Shallow profiler triplet: chlorophyll, cdom and scattering

    • Deep profilers are 2-channel

    • they operate continuously

  • osb = Oregon Slope Base, SP = shallow profiler

  • These data are resampled using mean() to one minute per sample

fluorometer_source = data_dir / 'rca/fluorescence'
fluorometer_data = ''
ds_Fluorometer = xr.open_dataset(fluorometer_source / fluorometer_data)
Dimensions:                              (time: 44640)
  * time                                 (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-01-01 ......
Data variables:
    fluorometric_chlorophyll_a           (time) float64 -0.01772 ... -0.01957
    fluorometric_cdom                    (time) float64 1.86 1.876 ... 1.806
    total_volume_scattering_coefficient  (time) float64 0.0001066 ... 0.0001097
    seawater_scattering_coefficient      (time) float64 0.000639 ... 0.0006384
    optical_backscatter                  (time) float64 0.0007011 ... 0.0007221
    int_ctd_pressure                     (time) float64 191.2 191.2 ... 194.5
    node:                SF01A
    id:                  RS01SBPS-SF01A-3A-FLORTD101-streamed-flort_d_data_re...
    geospatial_lat_min:  44.52897
    geospatial_lon_min:  -125.38966
fluor_chlor_lower_bound = -.05
fluor_chlor_upper_bound = 1.4
fluor_cdom_lower_bound = 0.
fluor_cdom_upper_bound = 3.5
fluor_vscat_lower_bound = 0.00005
fluor_vscat_upper_bound = 0.0006

ds_Fluorometer_time_slice = ds_Fluorometer.sel(time=slice(time0, time1))

fig, axs = plt.subplots(3,1,figsize=(12,14), tight_layout=True)
axs[0].scatter(ds_Fluorometer_time_slice.fluorometric_chlorophyll_a, \
            ds_Fluorometer_time_slice.int_ctd_pressure, \
            marker='^', s = 1., color='k')
axs[1].scatter(ds_Fluorometer_time_slice.fluorometric_cdom, \
            ds_Fluorometer_time_slice.int_ctd_pressure, \
            marker='^', s = 1., color='r')
axs[2].scatter(ds_Fluorometer_time_slice.total_volume_scattering_coefficient, \
            ds_Fluorometer_time_slice.int_ctd_pressure, \
            marker='^', s = 1., color='c')
axs[0].set(xlim = (fluor_chlor_lower_bound, fluor_chlor_upper_bound), \
           ylim = (200., 0.), title='multiple profiles: fluorometer chlorophyll')
axs[1].set(xlim = (fluor_cdom_lower_bound, fluor_cdom_upper_bound), \
        ylim = (200., 0.), title='multiple profiles: fluorometer CDOM')
axs[2].set(xlim = (fluor_vscat_lower_bound, fluor_vscat_upper_bound), \
        ylim = (200., 0.), title='multiple profiles: fluorometer volume scattering')
../_images/Ocean 01 A Photic Zone CTD_18_1.png
# fails
# run this to get a check of the units for chlorophyll 
# ds_flort.fluorometric_chlorophyll_a.units
# p = rca_ds_chlor.fluorometric_chlorophyll_a.plot() is an option as well
# by assigning the plot to p we have future ornamentation options

Spectral Irradiance

  • The data variable is spkir_downwelling_vector x 7 wavelengths per below

  • 9 months continuous operation at about 4 samples per second gives 91 million samples

  • DataSet includes int_ctd_pressure and time Coordinates; Dimensions are spectra (0–6) and time

  • Oregon Slope Base node : SF01A, id : RS01SBPS-SF01A-3D-SPKIRA101-streamed-spkir_data_record

  • Correct would be to plot these as a sequence of rainbow plots with depth, etc

See Interactive Oceans:

The Spectral Irradiance sensor (Satlantic OCR-507 multispectral radiometer) measures the amount of downwelling radiation (light energy) per unit area that reaches a surface. Radiation is measured and reported separately for a series of seven wavelength bands (412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 620, and 683 nm), each between 10-20 nm wide. These measurements depend on the natural illumination conditions of sunlight and measure apparent optical properties. These measurements also are used as proxy measurements of important biogeochemical variables in the ocean.

Spectral Irradiance sensors are installed on the Science Pods on the Shallow Profiler Moorings at Axial Base (SF01A), Slope Base (SF01A), and at the Endurance Array Offshore (SF01B) sites. Instruments on the Cabled Array are provided by Satlantic – OCR-507.

spectral_irradiance_source = data_dir / 'rca/irradiance'
ds_irradiance = [xr.open_dataset(spectral_irradiance_source / ('osb_sp_irr_spec' + str(i) + '.nc')) for i in range(7)]
# Early attempt at using log crashed the kernel

spectral_irradiance_upper_bound = 10.
spectral_irradiance_lower_bound = 0.
ds_irr_time_slice = [ds_irradiance[i].sel(time = slice(time0, time1)) for i in range(7)]

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8), tight_layout=True)
colorwheel = ['k', 'r', 'y', 'g', 'c', 'b', 'm']
for i in range(1,3):
    axs.plot(ds_irr_time_slice[i].spkir_downwelling_vector, \
                ds_irr_time_slice[i].int_ctd_pressure, marker='.', markersize = 4., color=colorwheel[i])
axs.set(xlim = (spectral_irradiance_lower_bound, spectral_irradiance_upper_bound), \
        ylim = (60., 0.), title='multiple profiles: spectral irradiance')
../_images/Ocean 01 A Photic Zone CTD_22_1.png

Photosynthetically Available Radiation

  • Abbreviated PAR

  • instrument string is parad

  • Dubious claim: Can use to identify profile time ranges

    • Approximately from the PAR data and can be done very precisely using depth data

    • This suggests a derived dataset of profile start / peak / end times

par_source = data_dir / 'rca/par'
par_data = ''
ds_PAR = xr.open_dataset(par_source / par_data)
Dimensions:            (time: 44640)
  * time               (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-01-01 ... 2019-01-31T23:59:00
Data variables:
    par_counts_output  (time) float64 0.3578 0.3536 0.3587 ... 0.3482 0.3491
    int_ctd_pressure   (time) float64 191.2 191.2 191.2 ... 194.5 194.5 194.5
    node:                SF01A
    id:                  RS01SBPS-SF01A-3C-PARADA101-streamed-parad_sa_sample
    geospatial_lat_min:  44.52897
    geospatial_lon_min:  -125.38966
par_lower_bound = 0
par_upper_bound = 180
ds_PAR_time_slice = ds_PAR.sel(time=slice(time0, time1))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,4), tight_layout=True)
axs.plot(ds_PAR_time_slice.par_counts_output, ds_PAR_time_slice.int_ctd_pressure, marker='^', markersize = 1., color='m')
axs.set(xlim = (par_lower_bound, par_upper_bound), ylim = (75., 0.), title='multiple profiles: PAR counts')
../_images/Ocean 01 A Photic Zone CTD_25_1.png