Welcome to yodapy’s documentation!¶
Yodapy (Your Ocean Data Access in Python) is a tool for accessing ocean related datasets. Currently, only Ocean oceanobservatories Initiative (OOI) data is available for access. This python library was developed by the Cabled Array Value Add Team at the University of Washington.
pip install yodapy
Install directly from github
For developers and testers:
pip install git+https://github.com/cormorack/yodapy.git
git clone https://github.com/cormorack/yodapy.git
cd yodapy
conda create -n yodapy -c conda-forge --yes python=3.6 --file requirements.txt --file requirements-dev.txt
source activate yodapy
pip install -e .
To obtain credentials you are obliged to register at the [OOI data portal](https://ooinet.oceanobservatories.org/). Select the Log In dropdown and click Register. Fill out and submit the form and you will automatically be logged in. Click on your email ID (upper right) to visit/edit your profile. This profile now includes your credentials. You should click on the button Refresh API Token to get a stable token; and then make a note of both your username (format OOIAPI-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX) and your token (format XXXXXXXXXXX). They are used in what follows.
To start using yodapy for the ooi datasource, you will need to setup your credential file. This will only need be set one time.:
>>> from yodapy.utils.creds import set_credentials_file
>>> set_credentials_file(data_source='ooi', username='MyName', token='My secret token')
Example running the program:
>>> from yodapy.datasources import OOI
>>> ooi = OOI()
>>> ooi.search(region='cabled', site='axial base shallow profiler', node='shallow profiler', instrument='CTD')
>>> ooi.view_instruments()
>>> ooi.data_availability()
>>> begin_date = '2018-01-01'
>>> end_date = '2018-01-02'
>>> ooi.request_data(begin_date=begin_date, end_date=end_date)
>>> ooi.check_status()
Request Completed
>>> ds_list = ooi.to_xarray()